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Texas | nc-sara
src: nc-sara.org

Texas ( , locally Spanish: Texas or Tejas ['texas] ) is the second largest state in the United States by both regions and populations. Geographically located in the South Central region of the country, Texas borders the states of Louisiana to the east, Arkansas to the northeast, Oklahoma to the north, New Mexico to the west, and the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo LeÃÆ'³n and Tamaulipas to the southwest , while the Gulf of Mexico is in the southeast.

Houston is the most populous city in Texas and the fourth largest in the US, while San Antonio is the second largest state in the state and the seventh largest in the US. Dallas-Fort Worth and Greater Houston are the fourth and fifth largest metropolitan areas of statistics. in their respective countries. Other major cities include Austin, the capital of the second most populous state in the US, and El Paso. Texas was nicknamed "The Lone Star State" to signify its former status as an independent republic, and as a reminder of the country's struggle for independence from Mexico. The "Lone Star" can be found in the flag of the state of Texas and in the seal of the state of Texas. The origin of the name Texas is from the word taysha , which means "friend" in Caddo.

Due to its geological size and features such as Balcones Fault, Texas contains a variety of landscapes that are common in both the South and Northwest US. Although Texas is popularly associated with the deserts of the US southwest, less than 10% of the land area of ​​Texas is desert. Most of the population centers are in areas of past grasslands, pastures, forests, and coastlines. Traveling from east to west, one can observe fields ranging from coastal swamps and pine forests, to rolling terrain and steep hills, and finally the deserts and mountains of Big Bend.

The term "six flags above Texas" refers to some countries that have ruled over the region. Spain is the first European country to claim the territory of Texas. France held a short-lived colony. Mexico took control of the territory until 1836 when Texas won its independence, became an independent Republic. In 1845, Texas joined the union as the 28th state. The annexation of the state triggered a series of events that led to the Mexican-American War in 1846. A slave state before the American Civil War, Texas declared its separation from the US in early 1861, and formally joined the United States Confederation in March. 2 years the same. After the Civil War and the restoration of its representation in the federal government, Texas entered a period of long economic stagnation.

Historically, four major industries formed the Texas economy before World War II: cattle and bison, cotton, wood, and oil. Before and after the US Civil War, the Texas-owned livestock industry was a major economic driver for the country, creating a traditional image of the Texas cowboy. In the 19th century, cotton and wood became big industries because the livestock industry became less profitable. In the end, though, the discovery of major oil deposits (Spindletop in particular) started the economic boom that became the driving force behind the economy for much of the 20th century. With a strong investment in the university, Texas developed a diversified economy and high-tech industry in the mid-20th century. In 2015, it is second in the Fortune 500 list of companies with 54. With an emerging industrial base, the country leads in many industries, including agriculture, petrochemicals, energy, computers and electronics, aerospace, and biomedical sciences. Texas has led the nation in the country's export revenue since 2002, and has the second-highest gross state product. If Texas is an individual country, it will be the 10th largest economy in the world.

Video Texas


The name Texas, based on the word Caddo taysha , which means "friend" or "ally", is applied by Spain to Caddo itself and to that area their settlement in Texas East.

During the Spanish colonial administration, the area was officially known as Nuevo Reino de Filipinas: La Provincia de Texas (English: New Kingdom of the Philippines: Texas Province).

Maps Texas


Texas is the second largest US state, after Alaska, with an area of ​​268,820 square miles (696,200 km 2 ). Although 10% larger than France and almost twice as big as Germany or Japan, it is ranked only 27th of the world in all subdivisions of the country by size. If it were an independent state, Texas would be the 40th largest behind Chile and Zambia.

Texas is in the southern central part of the United States. Three borders are defined by the river. The Rio Grande forms a natural border with the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo LeÃÆ'³n, and Tamaulipas in the south. The Red River forms a natural border with Oklahoma and Arkansas in the north. The Sabine River forms a natural border with Louisiana in the east. The Texas Panhandle has an eastern border with Oklahoma at 100 ° W, northern border with Oklahoma at 36 ° 30 'N and western border with New Mexico at 103 ° El Paso located at the western end of the state at 32 ° and the Rio Grande.

With 10 climatic regions, 14 land areas and 11 different ecological areas, the regional classification becomes problematic with differences in soil, topography, geology, rainfall, and plant and animal communities. One classification system divides Texas, in the order from southeast to west, to the following: Gulf Coast Plain, Lowland Rural, Great Plain, and Mountains and Mountains.

The Coastal Plains Bay area wraps around the Gulf of Mexico in the southeastern part of the state. Vegetation in this region consists of thick pine forest. The Lowland Interior area consists of a soft rolling into the hilly forested lands and is part of a larger pine wood forest.

The Great Plains region of Texas is stretching through the country and Llano Estacado to the state hills near Austin. This area is dominated by pastures and grasslands. "Far West Texas" or the "Trans-Pecos" area is the Basin and the Provincial Region. The most varied of the region, this area includes the Sand Hill, Stockton Plateau, desert valley, wooded slopes and desert meadows.

Texas has 3,700 named rivers and 15 major rivers, with the Rio Grande being the largest. Other major rivers include Pecos, Brazos, Colorado, and Red River. Although Texas has several natural lakes, Texas residents have built more than 100 artificial reservoirs.

Texas's unique size and history make its regional affiliation debatable; it can be considered a South or Southwest country, or both. The vast geographical, economic, and cultural diversity within the country itself prohibits easy categorization of the entire state into a recognized US territory. The famous extreme revolves from East Texas are often considered an extension of the Deep South, to Far West Texas which is generally recognized to be part of the Southwest interior.


Texas is the southernmost part of the Great Plains, which ends in the south against the folded Sierra Madre Occidental Mexico. The continental crust forms a stable Mesoproterozoic dome that changes across the broad continental margins and transitional crust into the true oceanic crust of the Gulf of Mexico. The oldest rock in Texas comes from Mesoproterozoic and is about 1,600 million years old.

These Precambrian frozen and metamorphic rocks underlie most of the country, and are exposed in three places: Llano lifts, Van Horn, and the Franklin Mountains, near El Paso. Sedimentary rocks cover most of these ancient rocks. The oldest sediments were deposited on the sides of the rift continental margins, or passive margins that developed during the Cambrian period.

This margin exists until Laurasia and Gondwana collide in the Pennsylvanian subperiod to form Pangea. This is the peak of the Appalachian Ouachita mountain range from the Pennsylvanian continental clash. This orogenic symbol is currently buried under the Dallas-Waco-Austin-San Antonio trend.

The late Paleozoic mountains collapsed as rifting in the Jurassic period began to open the Gulf of Mexico. Pangea began to break out in Trias, but the seafloor spread to form the Gulf of Mexico only occurred in the mid and late Jurassic. Coastlines shifted again to the eastern border of the country and the Gulf of Mexico margins began to form. Currently 9 to 12 miles (14 to 19 km) of sediment are buried beneath the Texas continent plate and most of the remaining US oil reserves are here. At the beginning of its formation, the newly formed Gulf of Mexico basin is restricted and seawater often evaporates completely to form thick evaporitic deposits at Jurassic ages. These salt deposits form diapir salt domes, and are found in East Texas along the Gulf coast.

East Texas outcrops composed of Cretaceous and Paleogene sediments containing important deposits of Eocene lignite. Mississippian and Pennsylvanian sediments in the north; Permian sediment in the west; and limestone sediments in the east, along the Gulf coast and out on the continent of Texas containing oil. Oligocene volcanic rocks are found in west Texas in the Big Bend area. The Miocene sediment blanket known as Ogallala formation in the western highlands is an important aquifer. Located away from the boundaries of active tectonic plates, Texas lacks volcanoes and some earthquakes.


A wide variety of animals and insects live in Texas. It is home to 65 species of mammals, 213 species of reptiles and amphibians, and the largest diversity of bird life in the United States - 590 native species all. At least 12 species have been introduced and now reproduce freely in Texas.

Texas plays host to several species of wasps. Texas is one of the areas with the highest abundance of Polistes exclamans . In addition, Texas has provided an important foundation for the study of Polyses annularis.

During spring the wildflowers of Texas are like country flowers, bluebonnets, highways throughout Texas. During the Johnson Administration, the first woman, Lady Bird Johnson, worked to attract the attention of wildflowers in Texas.

src: publishingext.dir.texas.gov


The size of Texas and its location at the intersection of several climatic zones provide a very varied weather. The Panhandle country has winters colder than North Texas, while the Gulf Coast has mild winters. Texas has a wide variety of precipitation patterns. El Paso, in the western tip of the state, averages 8.7 inches (220 mm) of annual rainfall, while parts of southeast Texas average 64 inches (1,600 mm) per year. Dallas in the Middle North region averages 37 inches (940 mm) per year.

It snows several times each winter in the Panhandle and West Texas mountains, once or twice a year in North Texas, and once every few years in Central and East Texas. The snow descends south of San Antonio or on the coast only in rare circumstances. Noteworthy is the 2006 Christmas blizzard, when 6 inches (150 mm) of snow descended to the south as far as Kingsville, where the average high temperature in December was 65 ° F.

The maximum summer temperatures range from 80 ° F (26 ° C) in the mountains of West Texas and on Galveston Island to about 100 ° C (38 ° C) in the Rio Grande Valley, but most areas of Texas see consistent high summer temperatures in the 90 ° F (32 ° C) range.

Summer temperatures at night range from 50 Â ° F (14 Â ° C) in the West Texas mountains to 80 Â ° F (27 Â ° C) in Galveston.

The table below consists of averages for August (usually the hottest month) and January (generally the coldest) in selected cities in different parts of the state. El Paso and Amarillo are exceptions each with July and December respectively are the warmest and coldest months, but in August and January only slightly different.


Thunder often strikes Texas, especially the eastern and northern parts of the state. Tornado Alley covers northern Texas. The country experienced the most tornadoes in the United States, averaging 139 years. These attacks are most common in North Texas and Panhandle. Tornadoes in Texas generally occur in April, May, and June.

Some of the most destructive storms in US history have affected Texas. The storm in 1875 killed about 400 people in Indianola, followed by another storm in 1886 that devastated the city. These events enabled Galveston to take over as a major port city. The 1900 Galveston hurricane then destroyed the town, killing about 8,000 people or perhaps as many as 12,000 people. This makes it the deadliest natural disaster in US history. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Rockport as Category 4 Hurricane, causing significant damage there. The storm hit the land for a very long time, allowing it to bring down unprecedented amounts of rain in the Greater Houston and surrounding areas. The result is a massive flood and disaster that soaked hundreds of thousands of homes. Harvey eventually became the most expensive storm worldwide, causing about $ 198.6 billion in damage, surpassing the cost of Hurricane Katrina.

Other devastating Texas cyclones include the 1915 Galveston hurricane, Hurricane Audrey in 1957 that killed over 600 people, Hurricane Carla in 1961, Hurricane Beulah in 1967, Hurricane Alicia in 1983, Hurricane Rita in 2005, and Hurricane Ike in 2008. Tropical storms have also occurred. causing their share of damage: Allison in 1989 and again during 2001, and Claudette in 1979 among them.

Greenhouse gases

Texas emits most of the greenhouse gases in the US. The country emits nearly 1.5 trillion pounds (680 billion kg) of carbon dioxide each year. As an independent nation, Texas will be ranked as the seventh largest greenhouse gas producer in the world. The major causes of country greenhouse gas emissions include a large number of country's coal-fired power plants and refining and manufacturing industries. In 2010, there were 2,553 "emission events" that poured 44.6 million pounds of contaminants into the Texas skyline.

Texas Primary Elections: What They Are and Why They Matter | UT ...
src: news.utexas.edu


Pre-European era

Texas lies between two major cultural areas of Pre-Columbus North America: the Southwest region and lowland areas. Archaeologists have found that three major indigenous cultures live in this region, and reach the peak of their development before the first European contact. This is:

  • Pueblo from the upper Rio Grande region, centered in west Texas;
  • Mississippian culture, also known as Mound Builders, which runs along the Mississippi River Valley east of Texas; and
  • the Mesoamerican civilization, based in southern Texas. The influence of Teotihuacan in northern Mexico peaked around 500 AD and decreased during the 8th to 10th centuries.

When Europeans arrived in the Texas region, there were several indigenous tribes divided into many smaller tribes. They are Caddoan, Atakapan, Athabaskan, Coahuiltecan & amp; Uto-Aztecan. The people of Puebloan Uto-Aztecan live near the Rio Grande in the western part of the state, the Athabaskan Apache tribes live throughout the interior, the Caddoan tribe controls most of the Red River area & amp; Atakapans people are mostly centered along the Gulf Coast. At least one Coahuiltecans tribe, Aranama, lives in southern Texas. All of these cultural groups, especially those based in northeastern Mexico, are now extinct. It's hard to say who lived in the northwestern region of the country initially. By the time the territory began to be explored, it belonged to the well-known Comanche, other Uto-Aztecan people who had turned to strong horse culture, but it is believed that they came later and did not stay there for the 16th century. It may be claimed by several different people, including Uto-Aztecans, Athabaskans, or even Dhegihan Siouans.

There is no dominant culture in the region of Texas today, and many people inhabit the area. Native American tribes living within the boundaries of Texas today include Alabama, Apache, Atakapan, Bidai, Caddo, Aranama, Comanche, Choctaw, Coushatta, Hasinai, Jumano, Karankawa, Kickapoo, Kiowa, Tonkawa and Wichita. The name Texas comes from tÃÆ'¡ysha? , a Caddoan word from Hasinai , meaning "friend" or "ally".

This area was mainly controlled by the Spaniards during the first few centuries of contact, until the Texas Revolution. They are not very kind to their natives - especially with Caddoans, who are not trusted because their culture is split between Spain & France. When Spain briefly conquered Louisiana's colony they decided to change tactics and try to be very friendly to the Indians, which they continued even after the French took back the colony. After the purchase of Louisiana 1803, the United States inherited this strange state. The Caddoans prefer corporate America & amp; almost the entire population migrated to the state of Louisiana & amp; Arkansas. Spain felt rejected after spending so much time & amp; effort and start trying to lure Caddo back, even promising them more ground. It seems that without really knowing how they came, the United States (which has begun convincing the tribes to separate themselves from whites by selling them all and moving west since they acquired the Louisiana Purchase) faced the overflowing of indigenous peoples in Missouri & Arkansas & amp; able to negotiate with Caddoan to allow some displaced to settle on unused land in east Texas. They include Muscogee, Houma Choctaw, Lenape & amp; Mingo Seneca, among others, all of whom came to see Caddoans as saviors, making those people very influential.

Whether a friendly or warlike American tribe is essential to the fate of European explorers and settlers in the country. Friendly tribes teach newcomers how to grow native plants, prepare food, and hunt for wild games. Warlike tribes make life difficult and dangerous for Europeans through their attacks and opposition to new arrivals.

During the Texas Revolution, the US became very involved. Previous agreements with Spain prohibit both parties to militarize against their indigenous peoples in any potential conflict between the two countries. At that moment, several sudden bursts of violence between Caddoans & amp; The Texans began to spread. The Caddoans always do not understand when asked, The Texan & amp; American authorities in the region have never been able to find solid evidence linking them to it & amp; often so far out of Caddoan land, that's almost unreasonable. It seems very likely that these are false flag attacks intended to initiate a downward-flowing effect to force indigenous people under Caddoan influence into armed conflict without breaking the treaty - preferably on the Spanish side. Although no evidence was found on who was the perpetrator, the men responsible for Texas at the time tried several times to publicly blame and punish Caddoans for incidents with the US government trying to keep them in check. Furthermore, Caddoans never turn violent because of that, except for cases of self-defense.

In the 1830s, the US had drafted the Indian Elimination Act, which was used to facilitate the Teardrop. Fearing the retribution of other indigenous people, Indian Agents across the eastern US began trying to convince all of their natives to uproot and move west. These include Caddoans of Louisiana & amp; Arkansas. After the Texas Revolution, the Texans chose to make peace with their indigenous peoples, but did not honor previous land claims or agreements. It initiates the movement of native inhabitants in the north into the territory that will become the modern Indian-Oklahoma Territory.


The first historical document associated with Texas was the Gulf Coast map, created in 1519 by Spanish explorer Alonso ÃÆ' lvarez de Pineda. Nine years later, the stranded Spanish cruiser ÃÆ' lvar NÃÆ'ºÃÆ'  ± ez Cabeza de Vaca and his group became the first Europeans in what is now Texas. Cabeza de Vaca reported that in 1528, when the Spaniards landed in the area, "half the natives die from intestinal diseases and blame us." Cabeza de Vaca also made observations about the way Ignace Natives of Texas lives:

They went with an agitator, burned squares and woods to drive mosquitoes, and also to get the lizards and similar things they ate, to get out of the ground. In the same way they kill deer, besiege them with fire, and they do it also to deprive the prairie animals, forcing them to find food where the Indians want.

Francisco VÃÆ'¡zquez de Coronado described his meeting in 1541 with:

Two types of people travel around this plain with cows; one called Querechos and the other Teyas; they are very well built, and painted, and are enemies of one another. They have no settlements or other locations apart from going around with cows. They kill everything they want, and polish the skin, with which they dress themselves and make their tent, and they eat meat, sometimes even raw, and they also even drink blood when thirsty. The tent they make is like a field tent, and they put it up on some of the poles they make for this purpose, which come together and are tied at the top, and when they go from one place to another they bring them to some dogs they have, where they have many, and they load them with tents and pillars and other things, because this country is so high, as I say, that they can take advantage of this, because they carry the poles dragging on the ground. The sun is the most they worship.

The European powers ignored the area until inadvertently settled there in 1685. The incorrect calculation by Renà ©  © -Robert Cavelier de La Salle resulted in him establishing the colony of Fort Saint Louis at Matagorda Bay rather than along the Mississippi River. The colony lasted only four years before surrendering to harsh conditions and hostile natives.

In 1690 the Spanish authorities, concerned that France posed a competitive threat, built several missions in East Texas. After the Resistance of the Native Americans, the Spanish missionaries returned to Mexico. When France began to settle in Louisiana, mostly in the south of the country, in 1716 the Spanish authorities responded by establishing a series of new missions in East Texas. Two years later, they created San Antonio as the first Spanish civilian settlement in the area.

The hostile native tribe and the distance from the nearby Spanish colony made the settlers reluctant to move into the area. It is one of the smallest provinces in Spain. In 1749, the Spanish peace treaty with the Apache Lipan infuriated many tribes, including Comanche, Tonkawa, and Hasinai. Comanche signed an agreement with Spain in 1785 and later helped defeat the Apache and Karankawa Centipes. With more missions established, the priests lead the conversion of most tribal peace. By the end of the 18th century only a few nomadic tribes had not yet converted to Christianity.

When the United States bought Louisiana from France in 1803, American authorities insisted the agreement also included Texas. The boundary between New Spain and the United States was finally established on the Sabine River in 1819, in what is now the border between Texas and Louisiana. Wanting new ground, many US settlers refused to recognize the agreement. Some filibrators raise troops to attack the western region of the Sabine River. In 1821, the Mexican War of Independence included the territory of Texas, which became part of Mexico. Due to its low population, Mexico makes the area part of the state of Coahuila y Tejas.

Hoping more settlers would reduce Comanche's almost constant attacks, Mexican Mexico liberalizes its immigration policy to allow immigrants from outside Mexico and Spain. Under the Mexican immigration system, much of the land was allocated to empresarios, which recruited settlers from the United States, Europe, and the interior of Mexico. The first grant, to Moses Austin, was forwarded to his son Stephen F. Austin after his death.

The Austin Settlers, the Three Hundred Olds, made their place along the Brazos River in 1822. Twenty-three other emperors took the settlers into the state, most of whom were from the United States. The population of Texas is growing rapidly. By 1825, Texas had about 3,500 people, with mostly Mexican descendants. By 1834, the population had grown to about 37,800, with only 7,800 Mexican descendants. Most of the early settlers who came with Austin and soon after were were the less fortunate in life, because Texas did not have the comforts that were found elsewhere in Mexico and the United States during that time. The early Texas settler, David B. Edwards described fellow Texans as "thrown away from the pleasures of life."

Many immigrants openly flout Mexican law, especially the prohibition against slavery. Combined with the United States' efforts to buy Texas, the Mexican government decided in 1830 to ban continued immigration from the United States. The new law also calls for customs enforcement that angers Mexican natives (Tejanos and Tejanos) and new immigrants.

Anahuac's annoyance in 1832 was the first open rebellion against the Mexican government and they coincided with a revolt in Mexico against the president of the country. The Texans side with federalists against the current government and drive all Mexican troops out of East Texas. They take advantage of the lack of supervision to stir more political freedom. The Texans met at the 1832 Convention to discuss asking for independent statehood, among other issues. The following year, the Texans repeated their demands on the 1833 Convention.


In Mexico, tensions continue between federalists and centralists. In early 1835, Texians were wary of forming the Correspondence and Safety Committee. The riots erupted into an armed conflict in late 1835 at the Battle of Gonzales. It launched the Texas Revolution, and over the next two months, the Texas forces defeated all Mexican troops in the area. Texians elect delegates to the Consultation, which creates a temporary administration. The interim administration soon collapsed from the dispute, and Texas without a clear government for the first two months of 1836.

During this period of political turmoil, Mexican President Antonio LÃÆ'³pez de Santa Anna personally led the troops to end the insurgency. The Mexican expedition was initially successful. General JosÃÆ'Â © de Urrea defeated all the Texas resistance along the coast that culminated in the Goliad massacre. Santa Anna's troops, after a thirteen-day siege, made the Texas supporters bump into the Battle of the Alamo. The news of the defeat sparked panic among the Texas settlers.

The newly elected Texian delegates to the 1836 Convention quickly signed the Declaration of Independence on March 2, forming the Republic of Texas. After selecting temporary officers, the Convention is disbanded. The new government joined other settlers in Texas at Runaway Scrape, fleeing from the approaching Mexican army. After several weeks of retreat, the Texas Army ordered by Sam Houston attacked and defeated the troops of Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto. Santa Anna was arrested and forced to sign the Velasco Treaty, ending the war.

While Texas has won its independence, political battles raged between two new Republican factions. The nationalist faction, led by Mirabeau B. Lamar, advocated Texas's continued independence, the expulsion of native Americans, and the expansion of the Republic into the Pacific Ocean. Their opponents, led by Sam Houston, advocated Texas's annexation to the United States and peaceful coexistence with Native Americans. The conflict between the factions was marked by an incident known as the Texas Archives War.

Mexico launched two small expeditions to Texas in 1842. The city of San Antonio was captured twice and the Texans were defeated in combat in the Dawson massacre. Despite this success, Mexico does not keep an occupation force in Texas, and the republic survived. The inability of the republic to defend itself adds momentum to Texas's eventual annexation to the United States.

State Status

In early 1837, the Republic made several attempts to negotiate annexation with the United States. The opposition within the republic of the nationalist faction, along with the strong abolitionist opposition in the United States, slowed the entry of Texas into the Union. Texas was finally annexed when the expansionist James K. Polk won the 1844 election. On December 29, 1845, Congress recognized Texas to the United States as a Union constituent state.

The population of the new state was initially quite small and there was a strong mix of English-speaking English settlers dominating the eastern/northeastern part of the state and the former Spanish-speaking Mexican who dominated the southern and western parts of the country. Unity brings many new settlers. Due to the long Spanish presence in Mexico and the failed colonization efforts by the Spaniards and Mexicans in northern Mexico, there are many Longhorn cattle roaming the state. Hardy by nature but also suitable to be slaughtered and consumed, they represent economic opportunities seized by many entrepreneurs, thus creating a well-known cowboy culture in Texas. While in the early days republican and bull livestock were slaughtered for their skins, soon the beef industry was formed with livestock shipped throughout the US and the Caribbean (within decades, beef has become an American staple food).

After the annexation of Texas, Mexico severed diplomatic ties with the United States. While the United States claims the Texas border extends to the Rio Grande, Mexico claims it is the Nueces River. While the former Republic of Texas can not enforce its border claims, the United States has military power and political will to do so. President Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to the south to the Rio Grande on 13 January 1846. A few months later the Mexicans ordered an American cavalry patrol in the disputed territory in the Thornton Event that started the Mexican-American War. The first battle of war took place in Texas: the Siege of Fort Texas, the Battle of Palo Alto and the Battle of Resaca de la Palma. After this decisive victory, the United States invaded the Mexican territory to end the fighting in Texas.

After a series of United States victories, the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty ended two years of war. In exchange, for US $ 18.25 million, Mexico gave the United States undisputed control of Texas, handing the Mexican Cession in 1848, most of which is currently called Southwest America, and the Texas border was set up in the Rio Grande.

The 1850 compromise sets the boundaries of Texas in its present form. US Senator James Pearce of Maryland drew up a final proposal in which Texas submitted its claim to land that later became half of New Mexico today, a third of Colorado, and a small section of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Wyoming to the federal government, in return. to assume $ 10 million of old republican debt. Post-war Texas grows rapidly when migrants pour into the country's cotton soil.

They also carried or bought an enslaved African American, which tripled in the state from 1850 to 1860, from 58,000 to 182,566.

Civil War and Reconstruction (1860-1900)

Texas again fought after the election of 1860. At this time, blacks make up 30 percent of the state population, and they are very enslaved. When Abraham Lincoln was elected, South Carolina broke away from the Union. Five other South South nations soon followed. A State Convention that considers secession opened in Austin on 28 January 1861. On 1 February, by vote of 166-8, the Convention adopted the Separation Ordinance of the United States. The Texas voters approved the Ordinance on February 23, 1861. Texas joined the newly formed US Confederate State on 4 March 1861 ratifying the Constitution of C.S. permanent on 23 March.

Not all Texans favor secession at first, although many of them will eventually support the Southern goal. Texas's most famous labor union is the state governor, Sam Houston. Not wanting to make things worse, Houston rejected two offers from President Lincoln to Union forces to keep him in office. After refusing to swear allegiance to the Confederacy, Houston was deposed as governor.

While away from the great battlefields of the American Civil War, Texas contributed many people and equipment to the entire Confederacy. Union forces briefly occupied the country's main port, Galveston. The Texas border with Mexico was known as the "back door of the Confederacy" because trade took place at the border, past the Union blockade. The Confederation disgusted all Union efforts to close this route, but the role of Texas as a supplier country was marginalized in mid-1863 after the Union captured the Mississippi River. The last battle of the Civil War took place near Brownsville, Texas at Palmito Ranch with a Confederate victory.

Texas took to anarchy for two months between the surrender of the Northern Virginia Army and the assumption of authority by Union General Gordon Granger. Violence marks the early months of Reconstruction. Seventeen commemorate the announcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in Galveston by General Gordon Granger, nearly two and a half years after the original announcement. President Johnson, in 1866, declared that the civilian government was restored in Texas. Despite not meeting reconstruction requirements, Congress again allowed the election of Texas representatives into the federal government in 1870. Social volatility continues as countries struggle with agricultural depression and labor problems.

Like most of the South, the Texas economy was devastated by the War. However, since the state does not depend on slaves like other parts of the South, it can recover faster. Culture in Texas in the late 19th century exhibited many sides of the border region. The country became famous as a haven for people from other parts of the country who wanted to escape from debt, criminal prosecution, or other problems. Indeed, "Gone to Texas" is a common expression for those who fled the law in other states. Nevertheless, the state also attracts many other entrepreneurs and settlers with more legitimate interests as well.

The livestock industry continues to grow despite gradually becoming less profitable. Cotton and wood became the main industries that created a new economic boom in various regions of the country. The rail network grew rapidly as did the port in Galveston because trade between Texas and other parts of the US (and the rest of the world) expanded. Like any other country before, the timber industry was rapidly clearing the forests of Texas so that by the early 20th century, the forest populations in Texas had disappeared (conservation efforts then restored some of it but never reached the level).

Beginning of the 20th century

In 1900, Texas suffered the most deadly natural disaster in US history during the Galveston storm. On January 10, 1901, Texas's first major oil well, Spindletop, was found south of Beaumont. Other fields were later found nearby in East Texas, West Texas, and under the Gulf of Mexico. The resulting "oil boom" changed Texas. Oil production eventually averaged three million barrels per day at its peak in 1972.

In 1901, the Democratic dominated state legislature passed a bill requiring election tax payments for voting, which effectively deprived most of the blacks, and many whites were poor and Latin. In addition, the legislature establishes a white preliminary, ensuring that minorities are excluded from the formal political process. The number of voters dropped dramatically, and the Democratic Party destroyed the rivalry of Republican and People's Party parties. The Socialist Party became the second largest party in Texas after 1912, to coincide with a major socialist revival in the United States during a fierce battle in the labor movement and the popularity of national heroes like Eugene V. Debs. The popularity of the Socialists was soon diminished after their slander by the United States government for their opposition to US involvement in World War I.

The Great Depression and Dust Bowl give a double blow to the country's economy, which has increased significantly since the Civil War. Migrants leave the worst parts of Texas during the Dust Bowl years. Especially since this period, blacks left Texas in Great Migration to find employment in the Northern United States or California and to avoid the suppression of segregation. In 1940, Texas was 74 percent Anglo, 14.4 percent black, and 11.5 percent Hispanic.

World War II had a dramatic impact on Texas, when federal money was poured into building military bases, ammunition factories, POW detention camps and Army hospitals; 750,000 young men go for duty; cities explode with new industries; universities take on new roles; and hundreds of thousands of poor farmers leave the fields for better paying war work, never returning to agriculture. Texas produced 3.1 percent of the total US military arsenal produced during World War II, ranked eleventh among 48 states.

Texas modernized and expanded its high education system through the 1960s. The state creates a comprehensive plan for higher education, funded largely by oil revenues, and central state apparatus designed to manage state institutions more efficiently. These changes help Texas universities receive federal research funds.

On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.

Economic and political change (1950-present)

Beginning around the middle of the 20th century, Texas began to change from rural country and agriculture became one of the cities and industries. The country's population grew rapidly during this period, with large levels of migration from outside the country. As part of the Sun Belt Texas experienced strong economic growth, particularly during the 1970s and early 1980s. The Texas economy is diverse, reducing its dependence on the petroleum industry. In 1990, Hispanics took over the black league to become the largest minority group in the state.

During the late twentieth century, Republicans replaced the Democratic Party as the dominant party in the state, because the latter became more politically liberal and because demographic changes were more favorable to the former.

The University of Texas at Austin
src: www.utexas.edu

Government and politics

The current Texas Constitution was adopted in 1876. Like many states, it explicitly regulates the separation of powers. The state's Bill of Rights is much larger than its federal counterpart, and has unique provisions for Texas.

State government

Texas has a multi-faceted branch system that limits the power of the governor, who is a weak executive compared to some other countries. Except for the Secretary of State, voters elect executive officers independently; so the candidate is directly responsible to the public, not the governor. This electoral system has caused some of the executive branches to split between the parties and reduce the governor's ability to implement a program. When Republican President George W. Bush served as governor of Texas, the country had a Democratic lieutenant governor, Bob Bullock. The position of the executive branch consists of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Public Account Supervisor, Land Commissioner, Attorney General, Agriculture Commissioner, Texas Railroad Commission three members, State Education Council, and Secretary of State.

The Texas bicameral legislature consists of the House of Representatives, with 150 members, and the Senate, with 31 members. The House Speaker leads the House, and the lieutenant governor, the Senate. The legislature meets in regular sessions every other year for more than 100 days, but the governor may request special sessions as often as desired (in particular, the Legislature can not call itself into a session). The country's fiscal year covers from the previous calendar year of September 1 to August 31 of this year. As such, FY 2015 dates from September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015.

The Texas justice is one of the most complex in the United States, with many layers and overlapping jurisdictions. Texas has two final trials: Texas Supreme Court, for civil cases, and Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Except for some city benches, the election of partisans elect judges at all levels of justice; the governor fills vacancies with promises. Texas is famous for the use of capital punishment, having led the country in execution since the death sentence was restored in the case of Gregg v. Georgia (see Death sentence in Texas).

The Texas Ranger Division of the Texas Department of Public Security is a law enforcement agency with state jurisdiction. For years, the Texas Rangers have been investigating crimes ranging from murder to political corruption. They act as riot police and as detectives, protect the governor of Texas, track fugitives, and serve as paramilitary forces for both the republic and the state. The Texas Rangers were unofficially created by Stephen F. Austin in 1823 and officially formed in 1835. Rangers is an integral part of several important events of Texas history and some of the most notorious criminal cases in Old West history.

The Texas Constitution defines the responsibilities of local governments, which function as state agents. The so-called judges of commissioners and judges of the courts are elected to serve as an administrative arm. Most cities in the state, more than 5,000 inhabitants, have a domestic government. Most of them have a charter for a council-manager form of government, in which voters elect board members, who hire a professional city manager as an operating officer.


Political history

In the 1870s, white Democrats regained power in the state legislature from a coalition coalition at the end of the Reconstruction. At the beginning of the 20th century, the legislature passed a bill to impose a voting tax, followed by a white prelude; these measures effectively deprive most of the blacks, whites and Mexican Americans. In the 1890s, 100,000 blacks voted in the state; in 1906, only 5,000 were able to vote. As a result, the Democratic Party dominated Texas politics from the turn of the century, imposing racial segregation and white supremacy. It held power until after parts in the mid-1960s of national civil rights laws enforce the constitutional rights of all citizens.

Although Texas is essentially a one-party country during this time and the primary Democrats are seen as "real elections," the Democratic Party has a conservative and liberal faction, which became clearer after the New Deal. In addition, some party factions briefly parted ways during the 1930s and 1940s.

The country's conservative white voters began supporting Republican presidential candidates in the mid-20th century. After this period, they supported Republicans for local and state offices as well, and most whites became Republican members. The party also attracts a number of minorities, but many continue to vote for Democratic candidates. The shift to the Republican Party was much attributed to the fact that the Democratic Party became increasingly liberal during the 20th century, and thus increasingly unrelated to the average Texas electorate. Since Texas is always a conservative state, voters are turning to GOP, which now reflects more of their beliefs. Commentators also linked the transition to Republican political consultant Karl Rove, who manages many political campaigns in Texas in the 1980s and 1990s. Other reasons stated include redistricting of court-ordered and demographic shifts in relation to the beloved Sun Belt of the Republic and conservatism.

2003 Texas redistricting district of Congress led by the Republic of Tom DeLay, summoned by The New York Times "extreme partisan gerrymandering case". A group of Democratic legislators, "Texas Eleven", fled the country in a quorum-barrier attempt to prevent the legislature from acting, but to no avail. The country has experienced redistricted after the 2000 census. Despite this effort, the legislature passes the map strongly in favor of the Republican Party, based on 2000 data and ignores estimates of nearly one million new residents in the country since that date. Career lawyers and analysts at the Justice Department objected to the plan as a dilution of African Americans and Hispanic voters, but politically-appointed people overruled them and approved them. The legal challenge for redistricting reaches the national Supreme Court in the case of the Latin American Citizen League v. V. Perry (2006), but the court decides to support the state (and the Republic).

In the 2014 Texas election, the Tea Party movement made huge profits, with many favored Tea Party favorites to office, including Dan Patrick as lieutenant governor Ken Paxton as attorney general, as well as many other candidates including Republican conservative Greg Abbott as governor.

Texas Politics today

Texas voters rely on fiscal conservatism, while enjoying the benefits of large federal investment in the military's inner state and other facilities achieved by the Solid South force in the 20th century. They also tend to have conservative social values.

Since 1980, most voters in Texas have supported Republican presidential candidates. In 2000 and 2004, Republican George W. Bush won Texas with 60.1 percent of the vote, partly because of his "favorite son" status as a former state governor. John McCain won the country in 2008, but with a smaller margin of victory compared to Bush in 55 percent of the vote. Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio consistently rely on Democrats in local and state elections.

Residents of the district along the Rio Grande are closer to the Mexican-American border, where there are many Latins, generally voting for Democratic candidates, while most of the rural and suburbs of Texas have shifted to elect Republican candidates.

In the 2014 general election, the vast majority of US delegates in Texas are Republicans, along with both US Senators. In the 114th US Congress, from 36 Congressional districts in Texas, 24 are held by Republicans and 11 by Democrats. One empty chair. Texas Senators are John Cornyn and Ted Cruz. Since 1994, the Texans have not chosen a Democrat to an office in the state. The country's Democrats are largely composed of liberal and minority groups in Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, Beaumont, and El Paso, as well as minority voters in East Texas and South Texas.

Administrative division

Texas has 254 districts - the most national. Each county operates a Court of Appeals system composed of four elected commissioners (one from each of the four county areas, roughly divided by population) and a county judge who is widely elected from all regions. Local governments run similarly to "weak" mayoral council systems; the county judge has no veto right, but votes jointly with other commissioners.

Although Texas allows cities and districts to include "long-distance agreements" to share services, states do not allow municipalities-consolidated areas, nor do they have metropolitan governments. Country is not given the status of house rules; their power is determined strictly by state law. The state does not have cities - areas in an area included or unrelated. The area entered is part of the municipality. The county provides limited services to unrelated areas and to some of the smaller areas. Cities are classified as cities of "common law" or "house rules". A municipality may choose a home rule status after exceeding 5,000 residents with voter approval.

Texas also allows the creation of a "special district", which provides limited services. The most common are the school districts, but can also include district hospitals, community college districts, and utility districts (a utility district near Austin is a plaintiff in a landmark Supreme Court case involving the Right of Select Act).

Municipalities, school districts, and special district elections are nonpartisan, although party affiliation of a candidate may be well-known. Regional and state elections are partisan.

Criminal Law

Texas has a reputation as a very harsh criminal penalty for criminal offenses. This is one of 32 states that practice capital punishment, and since the US Supreme Court allowed the death penalty to continue in 1976, 40% of all US executions have taken place in Texas. In 2008, Texas had the fourth highest level of detention in the United States. Texas also has a strong self-defense law, which allows citizens to use lethal powers to defend themselves, their families, or their property.

Stoking Islamophobia and Secession in Texas -- from an office in ...
src: cdn.cnn.com


By 2016, Texas has a gross country product (GSP) of $ 1.599 trillion, the second highest in the US. Its GSP is larger than Australia and South Korea's GDP, which is the 12th and 13th largest economies in the world, respectively.. The Texas economy is the fourth largest of any subdivision globally, behind Britain (as part of England), California, and Kant Japan? region. Personal income per capita in 2009 was $ 36,484, ranking 29 in the country.

The vast population of Texas, the abundance of natural resources, the emerging cities and the leading centers of higher education have contributed to a large and diverse economy. Since oil is found, the state economy has reflected the state of the petroleum industry. In recent times, urban centers of the country have increased in size, containing two thirds of the population in 2005. The country's economic growth has caused urban sprawl and its associated symptoms.

Until April 2013, the country's unemployment rate was 6.4 percent.

In 2010, Site Selection Magazine rated Texas as the most business-friendly country in the country, partly because the Texas Enterprise Fund is worth three billion dollars. Texas has the highest number of Fortune 500 headquarters in the United States, along with California.

In 2010, there were 346,000 millionaires in Texas, which is the second largest millionaire population in the country.


Texas has a reputation of "low taxes, low service". According to the Tax Foundation, the state of Texas and local taxes weighed the rank among the lowest in the country, the nation's 7th lowest; state and local taxes cost $ 3,580 per capita, or 8.4 percent of the income of the population. Texas is one of seven states that do not have state income taxes.

In contrast, the state collects income from property taxes (though these are collected at the district, municipal, and school districts; Texas has a state constitutional ban on state property taxes) and sales taxes. The state sale tax rate is 6.25 percent, but local tax jurisdictions (city, county, special-purpose districts, and transit authorities) can also impose sales and use tax of up to 2 percent for a combined maximum rate of 8.25 percent.

Texas is a "tax donor country"; in 2005, for every Texas dollar paid to the federal government in federal income taxes, the state regains some $ 0.94 of benefits. To attract businesses, Texas has an incentive program worth $ 19 billion annually (2012); more than any other US state.

Agriculture and mining

Texas has the most agricultural land and the highest land in the United States. The country ranks # 1 for revenues generated from total livestock and livestock products. It ranks # 2 for total farm income, behind California. With $ 7.4 billion or 56.7 percent of Texas agricultural annual cash receipts, beef cattle production represents the largest single segment of Texas farming. This was followed by cotton of $ 1.9 billion (14.6 percent), greenhouse/nursery at $ 1.5 billion (11.4 percent), broiler for $ 1.3 billion (10 percent), and product milk at $ 947 million (7.3 percent).

Texas leads the nation in the production of cattle, horses, sheep, goats, wool, mohair, and straw. The state also leads the nation in the production of cotton which is the number one crop that is grown in the state in terms of value. The country grows large quantities of crops and cereals. Texas has a large commercial fishing industry. With mineral resources, Texas leads in creating cement, crushed stone, limestone, salt, sand and gravel.

Texas throughout the 21st century has been hammered by drought. It has cost billions of dollars for cattle and crops.


Since the discovery of oil in Spindletop, energy has become a dominant force politically and economically within the country. If Texas is his own country it will be the sixth largest oil producer in the world.

The Railroad Commission of Texas, contrary to its name, regulates the state oil and gas industry, gas utilities, pipeline security, security in the liquid gas oil industry, and coal mining and surface uranium. Until the 1970s, the commission controlled oil prices because of its ability to regulate Texas oil reserves. The founder of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) used the Texas agency as one of their models for oil price control.

Texas has known the petroleum deposit of about 5 billion barrels (790 million m 3 ), which makes up about a quarter of the known US reserves. State refineries can process 4.6 million barrels (730,000 m 3 ) of oil per day. The Port Arthur Refinery in Southeast Texas is the largest oil refinery in America. Texas also leads in natural gas production, generating a quarter of the country's supply. Some petroleum companies based in Texas such as: Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Conoco-Phillips, Exxon-Mobil, Halliburton, Marathon Oil, Tesoro, and Valero, Western Refining.

According to the Energy Information Administration, the Texans consume, on average, the fifth largest energy (of all types) in the per capita nation and overall, following behind Wyoming, Alaska, Louisiana, North Dakota and Iowa.

Unlike most other countries, most of Texas is in its own power grid right now, Texas Interconnection. Texas has deregulated electricity services. Texas leads the nation in total clean electricity production, producing 437,236 MWh by 2014, 89% more MWh than Florida, which ranks second. As an independent nation, Texas will be ranked as the eleventh largest power producer in the world, after South Korea, and ahead of Britain.

The state is a leader in the commercialization of renewable energy; it generates the most wind power in the country. By 2014, 10.6% of the electricity consumed in Texas comes from wind turbines. The Roscoe Wind Farm in Roscoe, Texas, is one of the largest wind farms in the world with a capacity of 781.5 megawatts (MW). The Energy Information Administration stated that large state agricultural and forestry industries could give Texas a large amount of biomass for use in biofuels. The country also has the highest solar power potential for development in the country.


With a large university system combined with initiatives like the Texas Enterprise Fund and the Texas Emerging Technology Fund, a diverse range of different high-tech industries have been developed in Texas. The Austin area is nicknamed the "Silicon Hills" and the northern area of ​​Dallas "Silicon Prairie". Texas has the headquarters of many high-tech companies, such as Dell, Inc., Texas Instruments, Perot Systems, Rackspace, and AT & amp; T.

Lyndon B. Johnson National Aeronautics and Space Center (NASA JSC) in Southeastern Houston, seated as the crown jewel of Texas aeronautics industry. Fort Worth hosts the Aeronautics division of Lockheed Martin and Bell Helicopter Textron. Lockheed built the F-16 Fighting Falcon, the largest Western combat program, and his successor, the F-35 Lightning II in Fort Worth.


Texas fortune stimulates a strong commercial sector comprising retail, wholesale, banking and insurance, and construction industries. Examples of Fortune 500 companies that are not based on traditional industries of Texas are AT & amp; T, Kimberly-Clark, Blockbuster, J. C. Penney, Whole Foods Market, and Tenet Healthcare. Nationwide, the Dallas-Fort Worth area, home to the second shopping center in the United States, has the largest shopping center per capita of any American metropolitan area.

Mexico, the country's largest trading partner, imports one-third of the country's exports because of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). NAFTA has encouraged the formation of controversial maquiladera on the Texas/Mexico border.

Laredo, Texas Tourism | VisittheUSA.com
src: www.visittheusa.com


The US Census Bureau estimates the Texas population is 27,469,114 on July 1, 2015, an increase of 9.24 percent since the 2010 US Census.

In 2004, the country had 3.5 million inhabitants of foreign birth (15.6 percent of the country's population), an estimated 1.2 million were illegal immigrants. Texas from 2000 to 2006 has the fastest-growing rate of illegal immigration in the country. In 2010, illegal immigrants constituted 6.0 percent of the population. This is the fifth highest percentage of any country in the country. By 2015, the population of illegal immigrants living in Texas is about 800,000.

The Rio Grande Valley of Texas has seen significant migrations from across the US-Mexico border. During the 2014 crisis, many Central Americans, including minors traveling alone from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, reached the state, borderline Patrol sources that were unusually temporary. Many are seeking asylum in the United States.

In 2009, the US Department of Homeland Security estimates 1.68 million illegal immigrants live in Texas. While the number of illegal immigrants living in the US has declined since 2009, in Texas there has been no change in population between 2009 and 2014.

The population density of Texas is 90.5 people per square mile (34.9/km 2 ) which is slightly higher than the overall average US population density, at 80.6 people per square mile (31 , 1/km). 2 ). In contrast, while Texas and France share the same geographic size, European countries have a population density of 301.8 people per square mile (116.5/km 2 ).

Two-thirds of all Texans live in major metropolitan areas such as Houston. The Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area is the largest in Texas. While Houston is the largest city in Texas and the fourth largest city in the United States, the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area is bigger than Houston.


In the 2015 Population Estimation Program, the country's population was 27,469,114 non-Hispanic whites 11,505,371 (41.9%); Black American 3,171,043 (11,5%); other races 1,793,580 (6.5%); and Hispanic and Latin (from any race) 10,999,120 (40.0%).

According to the 2010 US census, the composition of the Texas race is as follows:

  • White American 70.4 percent (non-Hispanic whites 45.3 percent)
  • Black or African American: 11.8 percent
  • Indian Am

    Source of the article : Wikipedia
