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Santa Clara, California - Wikipedia
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Santa Clara County, California , is one of California's native districts, with previous residences originating from prehistoric to the Alta California period.

Video History of Santa Clara County, California

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The first documented residents include Ohlone, who lives in Coyote Creek and Calaveras Creek, although the Santa Clara Valley must have known the inhabitants and previous Indian migrations, who are now losing history and prehistory. Archaeological discoveries put Ohlone's settlement in the region as early as 8000 BC. About 4000 years ago, according to anthropologists, Ohlone's ancestors, along with culturally related people in the Sacramento River Delta region-San Joaquin, developed an institutional social and religious rank system. In the greater San Francisco Bay area, people who have social advantages are buried in what are known as "shellmounds".

Maps History of Santa Clara County, California

The Europeans arrive

Europe's presence in the region began with Spanish explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, the arrival of Spain began when Russian exploration into California worried the young king of Spain in Mexico City. The Russians have settled in Alaska and roamed the West Coast for trading posts within striking distance of the rich mines of Spain. They were present at Fort Ross in Northern California from 1812-1841. JosÃÆ'Â © de GÃÆ'¡lvez, a visitor of the new Spanish general, wants to increase the territory of New Spain for the Spanish crown. He sent the Spaniard to Alta California (now California). Facing the original Ohlone people, the Spanish gave them the name CosteÃÆ' Â ± os, or the People of the Coast. JosÃÆ'Â © Francisco Ortega gave Santa Clara the name "Llano de los Robles" ("Plain of the Oaks") in 1769 when he spied on the territory in the name of Captain Gaspar de PortolÃÆ'.

Father JunÃÆ'pero Serra also came to California today, forming a Franciscan mission chain. In 1777, Father Serra gave Santa Clara Valley a lasting name when he sanctified the Mission of Santa Clara de Asos, named for Saint Clare of Assisi, Italy. The name "Clare" or "Clara" means "clear" or "sunny." Mission of the 8th of 21 missions, Mission Santa Clara de AsÃÆ's claims land from San Francisquito Creek in Palo Alto today to Llagas Creek in Gilroy.

San Jose is the first city in California. On 29 November 1777, on the orders of the young Spanish king of Mexico, nine soldiers, five pobladores (settlers) with their families, and a cowboy specified to find Pueblo de San Jose de Guadalupe, named in honor of St. Joseph. The existing Spanish Catholic mission did not like this, but could do nothing to stop it. In 1825, Mission Santa Clara offered a break for travelers from Monterey and San Francisco. Although Mexico broke out with the Spanish crown in 1821, it was not until May 10, 1825, that San Jose recognized the Mexican government. The Mexican government soon began selling the church's land in a process known as "secularization." Although originally intended to return the church land to the indigenous population, this practice immediately involved the sale of church land to the highest bidder. In 1839 only 300 Indians lived in Mission Santa Clara. When Californios, the rural people who have gentlemen, live briefly in California. American immigrants began arriving in California, followed by the Mexican-American War.

History | California Dried Plums
src: www.californiadriedplums.org

Transition to US territory

On May 13, 1846, the United States declared war on Mexico. Captain Thomas Fallon, leading 19 people, entered San Jose on July 14, 1846, and raised the US flag over the town hall. San Jose consists of small Spanish cities California, Mexico, Peru, Chile, and India. After the completion of the Mexican-American War, in 1848, California, along with most of the western states, was added to the United States, first as a territory, but later as a state on 9 September 1850. In addition to governance changes, California Gold Rush changed the political landscape Santa Clara. Suddenly a bunch of immigrants arrived in California, looking for a quick profit. Gold Rush changed San Jose, which became a supply city for many miners who arrived in California. Many residents, alarmed by the arrival of so many Americans into the valley, fled to Mission Santa Clara. The Catholic bishop of California took an interest in the site, and in 1851 the Jesuits had established the first campus in the new state: Santa Clara University, at the rebuilding of the old mission.

San Jose became the first capital of the state of California and the California State Legislature first convened there on December 15, 1849. Santa Clara County is one of California's native districts, formed in the statehood. Other cities began popping up in Santa Clara County after a gold rush. In 1852 Santa Clara became a city with the elected guardians. Mountain View Town is reported to have received its name when Jacob Shumway, a shopkeeper, looked across the valley to the east and poetically named the place where he stood "Mountain View." In September 1855 a small town, originally named McCarthysville, but later named Saratoga, emerged 12 miles (19 km) west of San Jose at the base of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Saratoga became famous for its wines and spas, while Cupertino, which had its post office in 1882 and named after the original Spanish name for Stevens Creek, Arroyo de San José Cupertino, is famous for its horse farm. Los Gatos was formed from a land originally owned by the British consul's deputy to Mexican California, James Alexander Forbes. When Forbes went bankrupt, many pioneer carpenters came to the banks of the river Los Gatos and established the city's nucleus. Gilroy, in the southern part of the county, was named after the Scottish settler John Gilroy, who married Maria Clara, the grandson of the man who claimed San Francisco for Spain in 1769.

In 1849 Martin Murphy, Jr. controlling the six largest ranchos in Santa Clara. After Murphy's death, real estate developer WE Crossman bought 200 hectares (0.81 km 2 ) from the garden estate, which eventually became Sunnyvale in 1901. The original Palo Alto neighborhood was built in 1888 from the land it owned by Rafael Soto. It was here in the 1890s that the California Senator Leland Stanford founded Leland Stanford Junior University in Palo Alto. The train soon followed the establishment of Palo Alto and the university. Paul Shoup, a South Pacific executive, saw a great site for the township and organized the Altos Land Company. In 1908, trains started to operate and Los Altos was packed with buyers.

Economic growth

Santa Clara County is linked to the world by railroads and the success of agriculture in Santa Clara Valley is fostered by access to distant markets made possible by trains. This, combined with the discovery that bore well water underlies the entire valley, creates conditions for the sudden wealth that can be found in the agricultural business. Santa Clara County soon produces carrots, almonds, tomatoes, plums, apricots, plums, walnuts, cherries, and pears for the world market. With the establishment of seed farming in the latter half of the 1870s, a new aspect of agricultural business began. The Ferry-Morse Seed Company, founded by Charles Copeland Morse, became the world's largest producer of flower and vegetable seeds.

Santa Clara Valley also experimented with other sources of income. The oil well had hit the valley, and from 1866 until the discovery of other sources in 1880, the area produced almost all of California's oil. Wood also plays a part in the regional economy; the city of Santa Clara saw the Pacific Manufacturing Company producing items such as wind turbines and Cyclone chests. The company eventually became the largest producer of wood products on the West Coast. Several wineries, such as Picchetti Brothers Winery and Paul Masson Mountain Winery operate, and the area to the southwest of Cupertino are the wine-making region for many years. Santa Clara County, with its farms, orchards and farms remained largely rural and farming until after World War II.

In 1939 San Jose, with a population of 57,651, is the largest fruit canning and packing center in the world, with 18 canning factories, 13 dried fruit packing houses, and 12 shipping companies of fresh fruit and vegetables. San Jose also serves as a distribution point for the pruning and apricot industry. However, new technology has evolved - San Jose was one of the first California cities to create an industry to make all mechanical equipment for specialty farming.

Santa Clara Map Stock Photos & Santa Clara Map Stock Images - Alamy
src: c8.alamy.com


With the founding of Stanford University, changes began that would create the Silicon Valley. Palo Alto became, in the early twentieth century, the testing ground for radio equipment, and then a place for the development of continuous wave transmissions supported by arc converters, mostly the work of Cyril Frank Elwell. Elwell hired a radio research team that included Lee De Forest, who had invented the three-element vacuum tube in New York. In 1912 the team discovered that the tubes could be rigged as a booster, which was a major breakthrough for long distance telephony and radio usage. Later radar, television and computer systems will benefit from this invention. In 1912 San Jose received the first scheduled radio broadcast scheduled. Palo Alto is a technical flare. This is where the Federal Telegraph Company, created by Elwell, created a network that includes oceans, which supplied US Navy communications during World War I.

Already in the 1930s the US military saw the strategic advantages of the Santa Clara Valley. Admiral William A. Moffett, appointed by President Warren G. Harding on July 25, 1924, as the first Navy Aeronautical Flight Bureau Chief, believes that the presence of naval aviation on the West Coast is necessary for state security. In the 1920s, Moffett was fascinated with light that was lighter than the air technology of the balloon. The politicians of Northern California, aware of the opportunities to be made, took the initiative from San Diego, California, and the money was found to buy 1,750 hectares (7.1 km 2 ) of what would become Moffett Federal Airfield. Two Naval Air Station were commissioned in the early 1930s to port two self-made US balloons. Hangar # 1, built in 1932 and designed to save USS Macon , remains one of the two largest structures in the United States without internal support. Military presence in the Bay Area in Northern California increased during World War II. On August 9, 1945, the same day the press recorded the second atomic bomb, dropped in Nagasaki, Japan, running front page articles under the title Purpose Registered Building Code which states: "At least 60 percent of the wartime number of people in wartime is expected to remain after hostilities have ceased, giving the population some 210,000 residents."

The growth of suburban development post World War II in the valley led to the loss of gardens. Sunnyvale, described in 1939 as the "calm breeder's trade center", with a population of 3,094, grew up in a suburb with a population of over 107,229 in 1990, with a population increase of 10% in a decade (1980-1990). Santa Clara County, in 2000, is home to 1,682,585 and is still growing. Santa Clara (1939 population 6,303), Mountain View (1939 population 3,308) and other Santa Clara County cities also grew up to several times their population in 1939. However, remnants of old gardens remained, throughout the county, and up to 1970 San Jose is still classified as partly rural by the US Census, although the city has a population of 443,950. In 1990, the population of San Jose reached 782,248 people, according to the census, and is the 11th most populous city in the country, surpassing San Francisco in the population.

The burgeoning suburbs of Santa Clara County can be attributed to national trends. The emergence of cars and highways and bigger roads helps in the creation of the suburbs. In the 1920s, cultural reactions to Victorian-style architecture and the creation of an affordable bungalow also helped this trend, as the middle class was able to buy homes outside the city. Already in the 1920s, suburbs grew faster than the central cities and after World War II, suburban residents exploded nationally. During the 1940s, core cities grew by an average of 14 percent while suburbs grew by 36 percent. Returning World War II veterans, married and settling produce an unprecedented booming baby in American history. Already in 1960 more metropolitan populations lived in the suburbs than in downtown, and by 1990 the majority of Americans lived in the suburbs. With a shift from farming to large suburban areas, Santa Clara County follows a national trend. The next step, with the creation of Silicon Valley, will lead the national trend in creating a computer revolution, which will sweep the country and the world.

Santa Clara High School (Santa Clara, California) - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

Silicon Valley Growth

There are many reasons why Silicon Valley is formed. An early collaboration between Stanford professors and nearby industry helped the process. The increased military presence, which started before World War II, also contributed to this hi-tech corridor. Of course American defense spending during the Cold War Era, when research and development strived to keep abreast of the Soviet Union, helped. In response to Stanford University's medieval financial problems, Professor Fred Terman of the Stanford University Department of Electrical Engineering hired a section from the university to a high-tech company for 99 years, a move generally considered to be the beginning of a computer revolution in Santa Clara County.

In 1953, William Shockley left Bell Labs in a dispute over the handling of the invention of the transistor. After returning to the California Institute of Technology for a while, in 1956 Shockley moved to Mountain View, California, and created the Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory. Unlike many other researchers who use germanium as a semiconductor material, Shockley believes that silicon is a better material for making transistors. Shockley is intended to replace current transistors with the design of three new elements (currently known as Shockley diodes), but the design is much harder to build than the "simple" transistor. In 1957, Shockley decided to end research on silicon transistors. As a result, the "traitor eight" engineers left the company to form Fairchild Semiconductor. Two of the original employees of Fairchild Semiconductor, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, will continue to find Intel. In 1971, Intel created the first microprocessor, the Intel 4004. The next step in the Silicon Valley revolution occurred in March 1975, when the Homebrew Computer Club at Menlo Park was created by students interested in technology and the desire to experiment with buildings. home computer. Steve Wozniak, a founding member, built a home computer from cheap microprocessors, and showed it to fellow club members, including his friend Steve Jobs. Together, in the garage of Steve Job in Cupertino, Wozniak and Jobs formed Apple Computer. In 1976, Apple's first personal computer, Apple I, was sold.

Even after the fall of the dot-com bubble in the early 2000s, "about 4,000 IT-related companies located along Highway 101 from San Francisco to San Jose generate about $ 200 billion in IT-related revenues each year" Gregory R. Gromov, at The Roads and Crossroads of Internet History . Other technical advances have also taken place in the field of biotechnology, the new industry, which stems from the discovery of gene linkage and gene cloning at Bay Area universities. The four-year local college and two-year community academy meet the demands to supply high-tech companies with engineers. San Jose State University leads this field in supplying these industries with more engineering graduates than any other college combined.

Overall, the scientific/commercial renaissance of Santa Clara County, with justification, has been compared to previous European Renaissance. The creation of lasers, nuclear magnetic resonance, random access to computer storage, disk drives, integrated circuits, personal computers, open heart surgery, inkjet printers, gene grafting and other advances in a short span of time have placed Santa Clara County steadily. in history as a unique location whose creative energy has changed the world.

Henry W. Coe State Park, Santa Clara County, California -...
src: media2.trover.com


This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents from the National Park Service.

Steve Carli Park Santa Clara, CA Video - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Bibliography and further reading

Source of the article : Wikipedia
