Senin, 16 Juli 2018

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Can We Smell The Sex We're Attracted To? - YouTube

Smell is the sensory stimulation of the olfactory membrane from the nose by a group of molecules. A particular body odor is connected to human sexual attraction. Humans can use body odor unknowingly to identify whether a potential partner will pass on a good character to his offspring. Body odor can provide significant signals about the genetic quality, health and reproductive success of prospective partners. Body odor affects sexual attraction in a number of ways including through human biology, menstrual cycle and fluctuating asymmetry. It also affects the sexual attraction of insects and mammals.

The major complex histocompatibility genes are important for the immune system, and seem to play a role in sexual attraction through body odor.

Video Body odour and sexual attraction

Biologi manusia

There is a connection between various aspects of human biology and genetics with sexual attraction. These include the role of major histocompatibility complex (MHC), human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and different heterozygous variations. Such genetic factors may play a role in sexual selection. The smell of signals in reproduction is called attractant; Their function is to produce a successful marriage.

MHC (major histocompatibility complex) is a group of important genes for the immune system, playing an important role in immunological recognition. This olfactory gesture is involved in the choice and preferences of the couple. HLA refers to the human form of MHC, and is a complex of genes that encode MHC.


There is a correlation between spouse choice, odor preferences and genetic similarity in MHC. The unique body odor is strongly influenced by MHC; this olfactory gesture may be involved in the choice and preferences of the couple.

MHC is codominant; a more diverse set of MHC genes leads to a stronger immune system. Women prefer male partners with different MHC genes of their own. The explanation of evolution is that women are attracted to men with different MHC alleles from themselves, to provide their offspring with a stronger immune system.

Women who did not use non-hormonal contraceptives were more attracted to male scents with different MHCs. Women currently using hormonal contraceptives prefer men with MHC scents that are similar to their own. The aroma of an individual with a universally low, fluctuating asymmetry is more interesting.

Increased interest among people from different MHCs can help prevent incest and birth defects. This inbreeding avoidance hypothesis proposes that the bias against heterozygous alleles prevents harmful genetic consequences that may arise from marriage with genetic family members. The olfactory gesture can be used to identify relatives.

Couples who have many unsuccessful attempts at conception have more genes than those who are able to conceive without problems. If, for a genetically similar partner, there is a successful conception, the baby is often born early or emaciated.

A third hypothesis that explains the function of different MHC pair preferences, the parasitic hypothesis, suggests that the heterozygous MHC may be resistant to rapidly growing parasites.


The human leukocyte antigen system is a complex of genes that encode MHC in humans. More than thirty olfactory receptor genes have been found in the class I HLA region, which presents peptides from within cells to be destroyed by the immune system. The HLA-linked olfactory receptor gene may therefore provide a possible mechanism for detecting HLA-specific odors.

Men and women are attracted to the pheromones they produce and HLA are related to the perception of other people's odors. Men produce androstenol and androstenone. Androstenol is produced by man's freshest sweat and most attractive to women, while androstenone is produced after sweat is exposed to oxygen and is very unpleasant for women.

Studies have shown that women who are at their most fertile stage in their menstrual cycle prefer a male odor that has higher testosterone levels. Heterozygosity HLA can also be detected by aroma: in this case, heterozygosity confers greater ability to recognize a wider range of antigens. Women, especially when not using hormonal contraceptives, are more interested in the aroma of heterozygous men for HLA.

However, the same couple's interests and preferences are not owned by men for heterozygous women. Men, however, are more interested in female scents with rare HLA alleles. Arousal men can be affected by various odors. As an example; pumpkin pie, sweet root, donuts, and lavender can increase penile blood flow causing arousal.

Pheromones and human facial attraction

Two types of male pheromones: 5? -androst-16-en-3-one (MP1) and 4,16-androstadien-3-one (MP2) and one female pheromone type: 1,3,5 (10), 16-estratetrael-3-ol (FP ) is used as a marriage quality signal. Studies show that MP2 has the strongest response produced by the female Vomeronasal organ (VNO), which is the first stage of the olfactory system. The process of sex differences in the hypothalamus has been found between female and male pheromones, including in VNO, where pheromones of the opposite sex have different surface potential. Studies have illustrated the relationship between the appeal of human faces and pheromones. Individuals rate them from the opposite sex as more interesting if they prefer the smell of individual pheromones. It also shows that couples in long-term relationships will have a higher concordance between the two types of marital quality, vision and olfactory signals. In addition, no differences were found between the two male pheromones in female preferences other than the pheromone production site.

Maps Body odour and sexual attraction

Body odor and menstrual cycle changes

Women's fertility rates shift dramatically throughout the menstrual cycle, so the period around ovulation is very important because this is the peak period of reproductive fertility. Because conception is most likely to occur during the women's brief fertile period, the theory of evolution suggests that men have adaptations designed to maximize their reproductive success during this period. Female fertility establishes male mating behaviors, many studies have shown that exposure to female fertility scents makes men display greater implicit accessibility to concepts related to marriage, men also assess the smell of women during the follicle phase because it is more fun and 'sexy' From smell during the luteal phase (non-ovulation). Smell, therefore, transmits information relevant to the selection of a human partner, in which a man is able to detect a shift in female fertility.

There is now much evidence from psychological studies that women's preferences for different traits change throughout the menstrual cycle. Hormonal fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle explain temporal variations in the assessment of women against the attractiveness of members of the opposite sex. This is due to the psychological processes that shape the formation and maintenance of the romantic relationship of humans influenced by variations in the hormonal level.

Due to its high hormonal content, oral contraceptives have the potential to change women's partner preferences for various male traits, which can have important consequences on sexual intercourse, since it alters the attractiveness of women to their partners and, potentially, to other men. If a woman's use of oral contraceptives is congruent, meaning she is using oral contraceptives when she meets her partner, the current preference would be better suited to the preferences that make her partner a first-choice choice, and higher desire than women using oral contraceptives is congruent. The resulting factor is the preference of female couples affected by the use of oral contraceptives, which means that interest in existing partners changes over time if a woman initiates or discontinues use of oral contraceptives.

Body odor as a gesture for ovulation

In contrast to previous literature, it has also been found that the perceived smell of a woman in the folic phase is actually more pleasant and sexier than the perceived smell of women in the luteal phase. In addition, they found that the persistence of olfactory identification depends on the very broad menstrual cycle. However, the odor likely in the environment to overwhelm the smell of the menstrual cycle is not ruled out. Repetition of exposure to a particular odor increases the odor detection threshold level and therefore reduces human stimulation. In addition, it has been proposed through research that men in a relationship will be more sensitive to the onset of their partner than the odor-related odor, and the results become insensitive after repeated exposure. On the other hand, unpaired males are constantly sensitive to smells. This suggests the persistence of odor as a process of evolution or adaptation, which can ensure successful reproduction of female offspring by keeping exposure fixed to men during their menstrual cycle. During this period, the most fertile females tend to have more couples. Male testosterone levels were found to be associated with female reproductive fertility, so men exposed to female scents during their peak fertility periods, significantly had higher testosterone levels than their baseline levels. Evolution suggests this is an adaptation due to physical changes in the male body, although more research needs to be done to ensure this high testosterone level leads to reproductive behavior.

What eyes and odours reveal about sexual attraction

Body odor and asymmetry fluctuate

Fluctuating Asymmetry (FA) is a type of biological asymmetry, referring to the extent to which small random irregularities occur from perfectly expected symmetry in different populations of organisms. In humans, for example, FA can be shown through unequal dimensions of bilateral features such as eyes, ears, and breasts. The FA acts as an index to measure developmental instability as it provides clear indicators of possible environmental and genetic stresses that affect development. It is thought that having a preference for symmetrical faces offers some adaptive value because such symmetry may signal an individual's ability to overcome environmental challenges. The FA shares an inverse relationship with certain desirable qualities; Low FA correlates with higher stress tolerance, greater body size in men, smaller body size in women, and higher face appeal. FA is detected through the sense of smell and has a measurable effect on sexual attraction. Significant cues can be found through body odors related to the health of the prospective partner, reproductive status and genetic quality and the FA is one such gesture regarded as a marker of genetic stability and development.

During their fertile phase, women have been repeatedly shown as more interested in more symmetrical male body odors and men whose faces they deem attractive. Symmetrical male aroma provides an honest indicator of phenotypic and male genetic qualities. This may explain why women who are so fertile find low FA scents as attractive and this aroma is not necessarily attractive to other women. For example, it has been found that normal cycling women near their fertility peaks tend to prefer the smell of shirts worn by symmetrical men but women at low fertility in their menstrual cycle or those taking contraceptive pills show no preference for the smell of shirts. male symmetric compared with asymmetric men. These findings support good gene hypotheses so that when women are in the fertile phase of their menstrual cycle, they should prefer a marker of genetic benefits or 'good genes'. In other words, fertile women who prefer the scent of men with low FA show a preference for the genetic benefits associated with symmetrical men.

It has been widely accepted that men prefer the smell of women in the most fertile period. For example, in a study, men rated body odor from T-shirts worn by women during their most fertile phase as sexier and more fun than T-shirts worn during their most fertile phase. Nevertheless, many studies in the area concluded that the effects of symmetry appear to be gender-specific so that men do not find the symmetry of women more attractive than the scent of asymmetric women. It is therefore apparent that the appeal of symmetrical body odors of the opposite sex seems to apply exclusively to women, and particularly to fertile women, because infertile women and men do not indicate this preference.

Men Who Eat Fruits and Vegetables Smell More Attractive | Food & Wine

Body odor in selection

Gender differences

While a large number of studies have been conducted to investigate body odor and marriage, research is now shifting particularly to the effects of male scents on female sexual attraction. This is largely due to the effects of the menstrual cycle and hormonal contraceptives, which directly affect the preferences of female partners. Previous research has highlighted the importance of men's scents to women, so the smell is judged to be significantly more important for women than for men. In addition, odor and body odor is rated as the most important physical factor for women, compared with male appearance. Further research aims to understand this gender difference. Using questionnaires and self-report data, greater dependence was found for women on olfactory cues than men. Interestingly, this dependence is valued for women in a sexual and non-sexual context. This study strongly supports the hypothesis that while men use more physical and visual cues, women are more dependent on olfactory cues such as body odor that men tend to ignore.

Increase body odor

This dependence on olfactory cues has led to an increase in male body odor to affect female attractiveness. Previous research has shown that male videos using fragmented antiperspirants are considered more attractive by women than those in placebo control conditions. In addition, women rated higher masculinity than men, especially in perfumed conditions. This provides evidence that women pay more attention to the olfactory cues during partner selection. In addition to artificial fragrances, the researchers also become more focused on increasing natural odor like diet quality. A recent study aimed to investigate whether fruit and vegetable intake affects the preferences of female partners. The result, subjects rated as the nicest odor are those with higher intake of fruits and vegetables, suggesting male body odor can be increased to attract women.

It has been established that females tend to rely more on olfactory cues than men, judging them to pleasant body odors as more attractive than those lacking pleasant body odors. In addition, body odor and sexual attraction can be enhanced using artificial fragrances and dietary habits. While men are affected by body odor during selection, previous studies have shown a much greater dependence on these cues by women.

Both sexes generally use artificial aromas to enhance their sexual attraction. Many of these (musk compounds) share the same chemical profile with body chemicals produced naturally. Research has found a significant correlation between individual MHC genotypes and the ratings they assign to particular labeled perfumes to use "for themselves". Therefore it supports the hypothesis that perfumes can personally increase the body odor that indicates individual immunogenetics. However, some infertility problems may arise due to the fact that people often use aromatic perfumes or scented body scrubs that remove their natural scents, preventing women in particular from being able to detect if their partner is genetically comparable.

Sexual attraction - Wikipedia

In animals


Insects use highly sensitive receptors to detect pheromone signals. Each pheromone signal may generate a different response based on the recipient's gender and social status. In insects, sex pheromones can be detected in very small concentrations in the environment. Sex pheromone insects, usually released by females to attract men, are essential in the process by which insects look for each other to mate. The main purpose of this sex pheromone release is to pull the pair from a distance, but the sex pheromone also serves to evoke a dating response and sexually evokes a male before intercourse. Male insects can also release sex pheromones, but this is only for the purpose of sexually attracting females, making it easier to accept male progress. Generally, most insects are sensitive and selective against the sex pheromones of their own species.

Insects utilize two classes of pheromone signals; pheremones that induce direct effects or releasers (eg, aggression or mating behavior) and which produce long-term or 'primary' effects, such as physiological and hormonal changes.

There is a large amount of research that supports body odor and sexual attraction to insects. Observations and laboratory experiments from Culiseta inornata identify the chemicals involved in mating behavior, when exposed to this aroma the male mosquitoes are found to have sex with dead females and when exposed to the virgin female scent, men show increased sexual activity through passionate flight, searching and trying to copulate with other men. Further evidence is derived from research on commercial silk moths, Bombyx mori, chemicals produced in the gastric sacs of adult female moths released immediately after their appearance from cocoons, male moths found immediately attracted to the scent shown by the wings who are flying and trying to copulate. Sex pheromones of silkworm moths can cause a response to male antennas at concentrations of only a few hundred molecules per square centimeter.


For vertebrates, the aquatic environment is an ideal medium for spreading chemical signals over large areas. Aquatic vertebrates use chemical signals for a variety of purposes, from pulling a partner to a distant nest during spawning, to indicate reproductive readiness and regulating predator/prey interaction. Research on carp has identified that the fish release hormone in various combinations, depending on the reproduction status of releaser, and these different combinations can lead to different levels of male dating in the recipient.

In terrestrial environments, chemosignals can be volatile or non-volatile. Thus, terrestrial vertebrates have two distinct functional and anatomical olfactory systems: the main olfactory system, which is receptive to volatile cues, and the vomeronasal system, which allegedly processes the generally non-volatile pheromones.


When it comes to sex, mammals use chemical signals (pheromones) to convey information to each other. Mammalian pheromones are airborne chemicals secreted in the urine or animal waste or secreted from the sweat glands perceived by the olfactory system and which give rise to both behavioral and endocrine responses in similar individuals. Mammals use sex pheromones to generate, attract, and provoke specific behavioral responses from the opposite sex. In mammals, chemical signals and their scent glands have much in common, for example, expression of only one sex, development only in adults, often only secreted in the breeding season and used exclusively in marriage. For an odor that exclusively produces sexual behavior, it should not only be felt and liked, but when there is no need for a total reduction or elimination of sexual activity. This exclusivity is only shown in gold hamsters and rhesus monkeys.

Mammalian pheromones can have long-term effects that alter the hormone levels of the receiving animals, and the short-term effects on their behavior. For example, male pheromone detection by female rats has been found to induce puberty, but female pheromone detection has been found to delay puberty.

Odor can affect mammalian mating either directly or indirectly. Odor can act as a direct benefit for women, for example by avoiding infectious diseases by using odor signals to choose a healthy partner. Odor can also act as an indicator mechanism, a form of indirect benefit, for example when a man displays certain properties such as odor strength comparable to inherited viability, women who choose men with strong odor will get genes for high survival. to pass on to their children.

There is ample evidence for the use of pheromones in marital behavior. For example, when pigs become sexually aroused, they secrete saliva that spreads excessively into the air. The pheromone is attracted to receive a pig, causing it to adopt a certain marriage posture, known as a stand, which allows the male boar to mount and therefore copulate.

Specific Specificity

Whatever the species, sex pheromones often have the same structure and for that reason different species must be able to respond to the right pheromones. This is a variation in the ratio of each compound in pheromones that results in species specificity. The use of a mixture of compounds as pheromones is well documented in insects, research on male orchid bees suggests that specific odors mediate the exclusive attraction within a species.

Male Body Odor and Fruits, Vegetables.

See also

  • Asymmetry fluctuates
  • Selection of complex and sexual histocompatibility
  • Pheromone Ã,§Ã, Man
  • Sex appeal
  • Sexual motivation and hormones
  • Ovulatory shift hypothesis

Women Adore “Odor” Of Men With High Levels Of Testosterone


Source of the article : Wikipedia
