The micro heat exchanger, micro scale heat exchanger, or microstructure heat exchanger is a heat exchanger where (at least one) liquid fluid in a lateral enclosure with a special dimension below 1 mm. The most distinctive containment are microchannels, which are channels with a hydraulic diameter below 1 mm. The heat exchangers of microchannel can be made of metal, ceramic,
Microchannel heat exchangers can be used for many applications including:
- high-performance aircraft gas turbine engine
- heat pump
- AC
Video Micro heat exchanger
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Investigasi perangkat termal berskala mikro dimotivasi oleh korelasi aliran internal fase tunggal untuk transfer panas konvektif:
Di mana adalah koefisien perpindahan panas, adalah nomor Nusselt, adalah konduktivitas termal dari cairan dan adalah diameter hidrolik saluran atau saluran. Dalam aliran laminer internal, angka Nusselt menjadi konstan. Ini adalah hasil yang dapat diperoleh secara analitis: Untuk kasus suhu dinding konstan, dan untuk kasus fluks panas yang konstan untuk tabung bundar. Nilai terakhir dinaikkan ke 140/17 = 8.23 ââ¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹untuk pelat paralel datar. [2] Karena bilangan Reynolds sebanding dengan diameter hidraulik, aliran fluida dalam saluran-saluran dengan diameter hidraulik kecil sebagian besar akan bersifat laminar. Korelasi ini menunjukkan bahwa koefisien perpindahan panas meningkat ketika diameter saluran menurun. Jika diameter hidrolik dalam konveksi paksa berada di urutan puluhan atau ratusan mikrometer, koefisien perpindahan panas yang sangat tinggi harus dihasilkan.
This hypothesis was originally investigated by Tuckerman and Pease. Their positive results led to further research ranging from classical investigations of single channel heat transfer to more applied investigations in micro-channel parallel and micro-scale heat plate heat exchangers. Recent work in the field has focused on the potential of two-phase flow on a micro scale.
Maps Micro heat exchanger
Classification of micro heat exchanger
Just like a "conventional" or "macro-scale" heat exchanger, a micro heat exchanger has one, two or even three fluid streams. In the case of a single fluid flow, heat can be transferred to a liquid (each liquid may be a gas, liquid, or multiphase stream) from an electrically powered heater cartridge, or removed from a fluid by an electrically powered element such as Peltier. chillers. In the case of two fluid streams, the micro-heat exchanger is usually classified by the orientation of fluid flow to another as the "cross flow" or "counter flow" of the device. If a chemical reaction is carried out in a micro-heat exchanger, the latter is also called a microreactor.
See also
- Micro process engineering
External links
- Brief introduction to the Micro Heat Exchanger
Source of the article : Wikipedia